Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I Want To Eat at Chez Remy

How do you make rats in the kitchen appealing? (Actually the scenes look so real that some of the mass rat scenes are kind of gross.)

I'm not one to laugh out loud in a movie theatre, but this movie was irresistible. It also made me crave a Bordeaux-- the Lafite label was so realistically drawn that if it were 3-D, I would reach out to grab the bottle (so was the Latour, but not quite as impressive since that label is much simpler). I'm not sure that how well a Lafite would match with Ratatouille, but I really wanted to taste both. And the special sweetbread dish.

Tastes portrayed as swirling colors... The scene where the critic is transported back to his childhood with a taste... Remy having the soul of cook in the body of a rat...


1 comment:

Lucy Dee said...

Great to come across your blog! I always like to read "[Insert witty adjective] Lawyer" blogs. And, yes, I have come across Opinionista's blog.

I, too, am slowly heading towards a career in law and worried that I might eventually grow to hate it, as you stated.

So I'm trying my hand at Standup Comedy. (My blog details my foray.) If we stay blogger buddies, I'll make sure to whine and complain as well as ask advice about "what to do" in terms of lawyering.

Oh, and I'm a very picky eater and even worse when I have to decide where and what to eat. So your blog will come in handy.

Thanks again. Nice to make your acquaintance.

My Own Personal Burger List

Dad's Luncheonette Sam's Zuni Father's Office Holeman & Finch Roberta's Culver City Carney's P.J. Clarke The Melt Ir...